Ping question

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Ping question

Postby iceman41 » Mon Oct 28, 2002 4:36 pm

While my ping is generally good (from 80-150, depending on site), I've noticed that sometimes it really varies. An example of this is occuring right now. My ping is over 300 at almost every site and between 300-500 at O.C.. I have a dsl connection and am wondering what from my end would cause this kind of wild fluctuation. It's only occasionally that this occurs and is very frustrating not knowing what the cause is. Possibly something going on with the company I have dsl through? Any thoughts? It's Monday 4:30 pm. Anyone else experience this at this time?


Regards, Iceman41


Postby Edogg » Mon Oct 28, 2002 9:55 pm

for those that arent completely happy with their connection performance, i recommend going to It offers some tweaks for broadband users, and it has some useful utilities you might want to check out. Im not making any guarantees though. You may just see a minor boost in performance, if any.

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